
民众示威抗议的警务处置模式之变迁——以美国为例的讨论 被引量:2

On the Models of Policing Protest and Its Evolution about the Public Protest Demonstration——Taking the United States as the example
摘要 针对民众的各类聚众抗议行为,美国政府的警务处置模式经历了从"武力升级"到"协商管理"、再到"策略性限制能力"三个阶段的变迁。"武力升级"模式强调使用逐渐升级的武力以压制和驱散示威抗议者,维护或迅速恢复秩序;"协商管理"模式强调警察与抗议者在事前进行充分的协商和沟通,优先保护公民的表达权利;"策略性限制能力"模式则依赖监视、情报收集和空间控制,使抗议者丧失采取破坏性抗议方式的行为能力,在充分保障公共秩序的前提下允许公民行使表达权利。"协商管理"模式是美国警务处置风格的一次质的飞跃,重塑了当今美国应对示威抗议的基本架构、法律程序和警务理念。"策略性限制能力"模式更多的是在应对新挑战、融合前两种警务处置模式基础上的警务创新。 Policing protest refers to the police handling of protest events. American government has developed three kinds of models of policing protest,escalated force,negotiated management and strategic incapacitation. Escalated force model stressed that police use escalating force to suppress and disperse protesters,its primary purpose is maintain or restore order quickly. Negotiated management model focus more on mutual communication between police and protester,which prefer to protect citizens' expressive rights. Strategic incapacitation model relies heavily on use of surveillance,information gathering and controlling space aimed at temporarily incapacitating transgressive protesters,which allow citizens exercise expressive rights under fully safeguard public order. Shifted from"escalated force"to"strategic incapacitation"is a qualitative leap,which shaped the basic framework,legal procedure and policing philosophy of policing protest in United States. The second transformation from "negotiated management"to "strategic incapacitation"is a policing innovation based on the first two kinds of policing protest models in order to response new challenge.
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期20-26,共7页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"社会转型时期的群体性事件研究"(编号:05BSH009) 江西行政学院2015年度专项课题"公共安全治理视域下集会自由权的限制研究"(编号:15ZX16) 复旦大学陈树渠比较政治发展研究中心跨学科基金项目"发达国家聚众抗争活动的法律规范研究"(编号:CCPDS-Fudan NDKT15004)阶段性成果
关键词 警务处置 武力升级 协商管理 策略性限制能力 示威抗议 policing protest escalated force negotiated management strategic incapacitation protest demonstration
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