目的:采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取荆芥挥发油,优选提取工艺及包合工艺。方法:以挥发油的提取量为考察指标,以加水量、浸泡时间、提取时间作为3个主要的考察因素,通过L9(34)正交试验法优化荆芥挥发油最佳提取工艺。以挥发油与β-环糊精的比例、溶剂用量、时间为考察因素,优选挥发油的包合工艺。结果:最佳提取工艺为饮片加水12倍量,浸泡3 h,提取8 h;最优包合工艺为挥发油与β-环糊精比例为1∶10,加入溶剂量为3倍量,胶体磨碾磨时间为15 min。结论:优选的提取工艺和包合工艺简便、快速、稳定、可行,可作为荆芥挥发油产业化生产工艺。
Objective:To extract schizonepeta volatile oil from herba schizonepetae with steam distillation method,optimize the extraction process and inclusion process. Methods: The weight of schizonepeta volatile oil was taken as the observation index, water adding volume,soak time and extraction time were taken as 3 main factors. L9 ( 3^4 ) orthogonal test was adopted to optimize the best extraction process. The proportion of β-cyclodextrin and oil, the amount of extraction solvent and time as factors, to optimize the best inclusion process. Results: The best extraction process: 12 times of water adding volume, 3 h soaking,2 h extraction. The best inclusion process: the proportion of β-cyclodextrin and oil was 1: 10, the amount of solvent was 3 times, grinding time was 15 min. Conclusion:The optimum processes are simple, steady and attainable, can be used as industrial production process.
Chinese Journal of Drug Evaluation
Herba schizonepetae
Volatile oil
Process research