
不同水平击剑运动员弓步动作中膝关节的生物力学分析 被引量:4

Biomechanical Analysis on Knee Joints during Fencing Lunge in Athletes of Different Levels
摘要 目的:分析不同水平击剑运动员在弓步动作过程中双侧膝关节生物力学表现的差异,探讨影响弓步速度的生物力学因素。方法:7名优秀击剑运动员和9名一般水平击剑运动员以最快速度完成原地向前的大幅度弓步动作,同步采集、分析运动员弓步速度、后腿蹬地地面反作用力及弓步过程中双侧膝关节的生物力学表现。结果:优秀运动员弓步动作中水平方向重心速度峰值、后腿蹬地地面水平方向反作用力峰值以及后腿伸膝力矩峰值均显著高于一般运动员(P<0.05),后腿伸膝功率峰值到达时间显著小于一般运动员(P<0.05);弓步启动后所有运动员前腿膝关节先屈后伸,优秀运动员前腿屈膝程度、伸膝角速度峰值均显著低于一般运动员(P<0.05),前腿伸膝时间显著大于一般运动员(P<0.05)。结论:后腿膝关节在弓步过程中的动力学表现是决定击剑运动员弓步速度的主要因素;不同水平击剑运动员弓步动作中后腿蹬地能力的差异导致了前腿膝关节运动学表现的差异;弓步启动时,前腿伸膝之前屈膝程度过大可能会限制弓步距离,同时对弓步落地和出剑选择产生不利影响。 Objective:To investigate the kinetic and kinematic difference of knees and their contribution to the speed in fencing lunges in athletes of different levels. Methods: 7 elite fencers (EF) and 9 medium-level fencers (MF) were asked to perform long-distance lunges at their fastest possible speed. Three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics of knees, horizontal velocity of center of gravity (HV), ground reaction force (GRF) of the lunges were recorded and then analyzed using Visual3D. Result: EF group showed significantly higher peak HV, horizontal peak GRF of rear leg and peak joint moment of rear knee joint than MF group (P〈0.05) during lunge;Both EF and MF group flexed their leading knee prior to extension in the initia- tion phase of a lunge. However, EF group showed significantly smaller initial flexion angle with higher peak extension angular velocity in leading knee compared to MF group (P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusions : EF group can reach higher lunge speed which is closely related to the kinetic variables of rear knee during lunge. The different kinematic performance of leading knees is determined by GRF produced by rear leg. A large flexion of the leading knee prior to extension in initiation phase of a lunge might restrict lunge distance, influence decision-making of fencers and have adverse effect in landing and brake phase.
机构地区 上海体育学院
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期58-62,共5页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 上海市地方高校大文科研究生学术新人培育计划项目(xsxr2013043) 上海市科委项目(13490503800)
关键词 击剑 弓步 膝关节 爆发力 重心速度 fencing lunge knee joint explosive power velocity of center of gravity
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