
中国制造业参与全球价值链的程度与方式——基于世界投入产出表的分析 被引量:31

The Levels and Ways of Participation in Global Value Chain of Chinese Manufacturing——Based on World Input-output Tables
摘要 本文利用世界投入产出表数据,构建后向和前向垂直专业化率指标,并据此对中国制造业参与全球价值链的程度与方式进行详细分析。结果表明:(1)中国制造业主要是以后向方式参与全球价值链;(2)中国制造业处于全球价值链的下游位置,主要参与全球价值链中的低端生产环节;(3)伴随着跨国生产分工的深化,中国制造业正由全球价值链低端向中高端攀升;(4)中国制造业主要集中参与全球价值链中的某一个生产环节,且国内价值链的构建和发展相对薄弱;(5)在四类技术类别制造业中,中低技术制造业在全球价值链中处于相对优势地位,但高技术制造业并未实现真正意义上的高技术;(6)相对于中国主要以后向方式参与全球价值链,美国主要是以前向方式参与全球价值链。 According to the ratios of vertical specialization including backward-linkage( VS) and forward-linkage( VS1),the paper analyzes the levels and ways of participation in global value chain( GVC) of Chinese manufacturing using world input-output tables( WIOTs) from 1995 to 2011. It concludes as follows:( 1) the ways of participation in GVC of Chinese manufacturing are mainly backward;( 2) Chinese manufacturing mainly engaging in final assembling activities is the downstream of GVC;( 3) with the deepening of international division,GVC of Chinese manufacturing is climbing;( 4) Chinese manufacturing focuses on a certain production process,meanwhile national value chain is shorter;( 5) the low-medium technology manufacturing is successfully integrated into GVC,while the high technology manufacturing does not achieve higher level of technology;( 6) relative to Chinese manufacturing,the ways of participation in GVC of American manufacturing are mainly backward.
作者 尹伟华
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期12-20,共9页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"环境约束 空间外溢效应与我国企业技术创新效率提升研究"(14CGL065)
关键词 垂直专业化 全球价值链 增加值贸易 世界投入产出表 vertical specialization global value chain trade in value-added world input-output tables
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