
冷压缩法消减7A85铝合金锻件淬火残余应力研究 被引量:6

Reduction of quenching residual stress for 7A85 aluminum alloy forging by cold compression
摘要 为研究冷压缩法对7A85铝合金淬火残余应力消减效果,通过实验获得7A85铝合金的比热容、热传导系数、热膨胀系数等热物性参数,利用ABAQUS有限元软件对7A85铝合金试件进行淬火及冷压缩变形工艺仿真,研究淬火及冷变形工艺参数对试件残余应力的影响,对7A85铝合金试件淬火与冷压缩变形工艺进行实验研究,采用X线衍射仪分别测试试件淬火及冷变形后的残余应力。研究结果表明:当冷变形量为1%时,冷压缩法可降低试件约70%的淬火残余应力,随着冷变形量的增加,残余应力变化较小,表现出与拉伸法消减残余应力不同的变化特征。实验与仿真分析获得的残余应力绝对误差在40 MPa以内。 In order to study the quenching residual stress reducing effect of 7A85 aluminum alloy by cold compression method, the experiments on 7A85 aluminum alloy were carried out to get thermal properties parameters such as the specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient. The quenching and cold compression processes for7A85 aluminum alloy specimen were simulated by ABAQUS finite element software. The influences of process parameters on the quenching and cold compressed residual stress were studied. The experiments of quenching and cold compressed processes for 7A85 aluminum alloy specimen were performed and the residual stresses of specimens were tested by X-ray diffraction. The results show that the quenching residual stress decreases by 70% on the condition of 1%cold compression. The residual stress changes a little with the increase of cold compression, which displays different characters from the method of residual stress reduction by tension. The absolute error between the tested results of residual stress and the simulated results is less than 40 MPa.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1609-1614,共6页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)项目(2012CB619504)~~
关键词 7A85铝合金 淬火 残余应力 冷压缩 7A85 aluminum alloy quenching residual stress cold compression
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