Objective To investigate the impact of health education intervention care path on the quality of life and psychological status in patients undergoing PCI for coronary heart disease. Methods 120 patients with coronary artery disease undergoing PCI were randomly divided into observation group(n=60) and control group(n= 60). The control group was implemented with routine sexual health education. 1"he observation group was imple- mented with health education nursing path. The psychological condition of two groups were evaluated with Hamilton Anxiety table(HAMA), Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD). The quality of life of two groups were evaluated with Seattle angina Questionnaire(SAQ). The self-designed cognitive levels of coronary heart disease scale of two groups were evaluated with self-designed cognitive. Results The levels of HAMA, HAMD scores of observation group 10,91±2.82,9.31±4.82 were lower than the control group 16.31±3.81,13.26±7.84(P〈0.05 ). The intervention angi- na stability, physical limited extent, the degree of angina attack, disease awareness, treatment satisfaction score of observation group 60.12±4.36,68.02±3.98,61.28±5.12,67.89±4.36,65.38±5.23 were higher than control group 65.36±5.46,73.98±4.58,68.47±3.45,72.58±5.89,73.92±6.21(P〈0.05). The reasonable diet, reasonable rest, ex- ercise, emotional control, compliance with medication and other medical knowledge score of observation group 5.36 ±1.02,5.78 ±1.15,5.98 ±1.23,5.53 ±1.39,5.48 ±1.28 were higher than control groups 3.15 ±0.98,3.28 ±0.78, 3.32±0.89,3.45±1.02,3.56±1.18(P〈0.05). Conclusion Health education can effectively improve the anxiety and depression in patients with coronary heart disease after PCI , improve cognition for the disease, and thereby improving the quality of life of patients.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Research
Health care education path: Coronary heart disease
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Quality of life