
反复发作性晕厥伴意识丧失1例报告 被引量:1

Recurrent syncope with loss of consciousness : Report of 1 cases
摘要 晕厥是由于广泛性脑缺血、缺氧引起的突然发生短暂意识丧失的一种综合征,多为突然发作,伴意识丧失以及面色苍白,四肢发凉,短时间内迅速苏醒和少有后遗症或仅有短暂而轻微的头晕、乏力、肢软等症状。晕厥病因和机制的评估一般应同时进行,决定最终采取合适的治疗方案。患者晕厥发作时将其置于头低足高位,保证脑组织有尽可能多的血液供应量;立即确定气道是否通畅,并测定呼吸和脉搏等;放松衣领。心源性晕厥根据病因处理。非心源性晕厥按类别处理。本文对1例反复发作性晕厥伴意识丧失的病例资料总结分析,并与眩晕、昏迷、癫痫、癔症、发作性睡病等鉴别,对提高临床诊断及治疗该疾病具有一定的指导意义。晕厥的治疗原则是延长患者生命,防止躯体损伤,预防复发。晕厥的病因对选择治疗至关重要。 The sudden syncope is caused due to extensive cerebral ischemia hypoxia syndrome, a brief loss of con- sciousness, for sudden onset, with loss of consciousness, and pale~ cold extremities, inside short time quickly recov- ery and little dizziness, fatigue, limb soft symptoms or only short and mild sequelae the. To assess the causes and mechanism of syncope should generally be carried out at the same time, the final decision to adopt the appropriate therapy. Patients with syncope attack will be placed in the trendelenburg position, ensure the blood supply of brain tissue as much as possible; immediately determine whether airway patency, and determination of respiration and pulse; relax collar. According to the etiology and treatment of cardiogenic syncope. Non cardiogenie syncope by cate- gory processing. In 1 cases of recurrent syncope with loss of consciousness of the clinical data analysis, and vertigo, coma, epilepsy, hysteria, narcolepsy and identification, to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease has certain guiding significance.
作者 顾爱娣
出处 《中国现代医生》 2015年第15期127-128,132,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 反复发作 晕厥 意识丧失 Recurrent Syncope Loss of consciousness
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