目的根据急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)介入术后患者心电图(ECG)变化,建立生物-心理-社会的心脏康复模式,评价ACS介入术后生活质量,为临床护理提供依据。方法选取2010年4月至2012年4月深圳市孙逸仙心血管医院收治的ACS患者198例,随机分为对照组与观察组,2组各99例,对照组患者术后应用常规护理;观察组患者在对照组基础上术后3、6、12个月时复查ECG、动态ECG、运动平板ECG,根据检查结果制定护理干预措施,干预时间为12个月。应用西雅图心绞痛(SAQ)和健康调查简表评估患者术后生存质量。结果 2组患者干预后12个月时各项SAQ和生活质量评分均高于干预后6个月,且干预后12个月和干预后6个月SAQ和生活治疗评分均高于干预后3个月,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后12个月和6个月心绞痛稳定状态、心绞痛发作、躯体受限程度、疾病认识程度和满意度均高于对照组干预后12个月和6个月,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组干预后12个月和6个月总体健康、躯体功能、精神健康、社会功能和活力均高于对照组干预后12个月和6个月,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 ACS介入术后根据不同ECG结果对患者进行干预具有较好的临床疗效,能够明显改善患者心绞痛状况,提高患者生活质量及满意度,值得临床推广应用。
Objective To esiablish the biological-psychology-social cardiac rehabilitation mode according to the changes of electrocardiogram (ECG) after intervention operation in the patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ,and to evaluate the living quality after ACS interventional operation to provide the basis for clinical nursing. Methods 198 ACS patients in our hospital from April 2010 to April 2012 were selected and randomly divided into the control group and the observation group, 99 cases in each group. The control group was given the postoperative routifie-fiursing.,while on the basis of the control group the observation group was re-examined ECG, dynamic ECG and exercise ECG stress test at postoperative 3,6,12 months. The nursing intervention measures were formulated ac- cording to the examination results. The interventional time was 12 months. The Seattle angina questionaire (SAQ) and the short-form 36 health survey scale were used to evaluate the quality of life after surgery in the patients. Results The SAQ and quality of life scores after 12-month intervention in the two groups were higher than those after the 6- month intervention, moreover the SAQ and living treatment score after 12-month and 6-month intervention were higher than those after 3-month intervention,the differences were statistically signifieant(P〈0.05) ;the stabilization state of angina,angina attack, body limited degree, disease cognition degree and satisfaction after 12-month and 6- month intervention in the observation group were higher than those in the control group, the differences were statisti- cally significant (P〈0.05);the overall health,physical function,mental health, social function and vitality after 12- month and 6-month intervention in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion Conducting the intervention according to different ECG results in the patients with ACS has better clinical curative effect, can significantly improve the angina pectoris status,im- proves the quality of life and satisfaction, which is worthy of clinical popularization and application.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic