
扭曲尾翼弹箭的马格努斯数值研究 被引量:7

Numerical prediction of the Magnus effect for twist fin swept flight projectile
摘要 为提升掠飞攻顶弹箭较高转速下的飞行稳定性,运用数值计算方法研究了弹体-扭曲尾翼组合体在飞行过程中的马格努斯效应气动机理,并应用标准尾翼弹(BFM)模型的实验数据对数值方法进行了验证。分别研究了带有平板尾翼和扭曲尾翼弹体模型的马格努斯力和力矩随攻角的变化规律,并针对弹体弹翼组合体产生马格努斯效应的机理深入分析。结果表明,扭曲尾翼可有效改善翼面的压力分布,并降低弹体对翼面马格努斯效应的干扰,在大攻角时其表现更胜一筹;弹体所受马格努斯力较大,主要集中在受到涡对称畸变的尾锥部;尾翼主要由于弹体干扰以及几何外形的影响马格努斯力集中在尾部,两者产生的马格努斯力矩数值相差不大,但方向相反。 In order to improve flight stability of swept flight assault roof( SFAR) projectile under high rotation speed,Magnus effect pneumatic mechanism of projectile bodies-twist fin combination in flight was studied by using numerical method and the numerical method was validated by using experimental data of BFM model. On the basis of using standard tail experimental data to validate the numerical method,the variation of Magnus effect with the changing rule of attack angle of flat tail and twist tail projectile model was studied. In view of the projectile wing assembly,Magnus effect mechanism was analyzed thoroughly. The results show that twist fin can effectively improve the pressure distribution of wing surface and reduce Magnus effect interference of projectile bodies to wing surface,especially for big attack angle; larger projectile body Magnus force is mainly focused on coccygeal vertebra which is distorted of the vortex symmetry closed to centroid; Due to projectile interference and geometric profile effect,empennage lateral force is mainly concentrated on tail. The values of torgue are not much different from each other,while the directions are quite the contrary.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期465-471,共7页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(11372136) 国家部委资助项目
关键词 流体力学 扭曲尾翼 旋转尾翼弹丸 马格努斯效应 数值仿真 fluid mechanics twist fin rotate finned projectiles Magnus effect numerical simulation
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