
攻角对某超口径尾翼稳定弹丸气动特性的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Attack Angle on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Supper Caliber Fin Stabilized Projectile
摘要 为了研究攻角对某坦克炮超口径垂直尾翼稳定弹丸气动特性的影响,给引信弹道环境分析提供参考,应用FLUENT软件,对某大口径坦克炮超口径垂直尾翼稳定弹丸的简化模型进行三维数值模拟,得到该弹丸各气动特性参数。二次函数Cx=Cx 0(1+Kα2)可用来描述弹丸阻力系数Cx随攻角α的变化,攻角系数K取值范围为13.0~16.8。在亚音速段和跨音速段,三次函数更适合用来描述升力系数Cy和俯仰力矩系数Cmz随攻角α的变化,而在超音速段,一次函数和三次函数都适合。 In order to study the influence of attack angle on aerodynamic characteristics of a super caliber fin stabilized projectile of tank gun,providing refereces for analysis of ballistic condition of fuze,the aerodynamic characteristic parameters of the projectile were got by FLUENT. The analysis shows that quadratic function can be used to describe the drag coefficient Cxof projectile varying with attack angle and the attack angle coefficient is 13. 0 ~ 16. 8. In subsonic and transonic region,the cubic function is more suitable to describe the lift coefficient Cyand the pitching moment coefficient Cmzof the projectile varying with attack angle. In supersonic region,linear function and cubic function are both appropriate.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期128-132,共5页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 空气阻力特性 数值仿真 尾翼弹 弹道环境 攻角系数 air drag characteristics simulation fin-stabilized projectile ballistic condition attack angle coefficient
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