

Transition Frequency of Bound Magnetopolaron in an Asymmetric Quantum Dot
摘要 在磁场和库仑场作用下,采用线性组合算符法计算了非对称量子点中极化子的跃迁频率.计算结论:跃迁频率不仅与磁场回旋频率有关,还与横向和纵向有效受限长度、极化子的振动频率、库仑束缚势、电子-声子耦合强度有关.研究结果表明:极化子的跃迁频率分别是磁场回旋频率、库仑束缚势、极化子的振动频率、电子-声子耦合强度的增函数;是横向和纵向有效受限长度的减函数,说明量子尺寸效应较显著. Transition frequency of polaron in an asymmetric quantum dot is calculated by using the linear combination operator under magnetic field and Coulomb field. The results show that transition frequency not only has relationship with magnetic cyclotron frequency, but also the transverse and the longitudinal effective confinement length, the vibrational frequency, the Coulomb bound potential and the electron-phonon coupling strength. Numerical calculations are performed and the results show that the transition frequency of strong-coupling bound magnetopolaron in an asymmetric quantum dot will increase with the increase of magnetic cyclotron frequency, the Coulomb bound potential, the vibrational frequency and the eleetron-phonon coupling strength. The transition frequency will increase with decreasing the transverse and the longitudinal effective confinement length. It shows a peculiar manifestation of the quantum size effect.
出处 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期44-48,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 非对称量子点 束缚磁极化子 激发态能量 跃迁频率 asymmetric quantum dot bound magnetopolaron excitation energy transition frequency.
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