
国家级乡村旅游地的空间分布特征及影响因素——以全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范点为例 被引量:87

Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Rural Tourism Destination in China--The Case of National Level Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Sites
摘要 以483个全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范点为研究样本,对其空间分布形态、均衡程度、分布密度进行定量表征,并运用空间插值和缓冲区分析等方法探究其影响因素。研究表明:①示范点在地理空间上趋于聚集分布状态,属于凝聚型分布格局。②示范点空间分布是分形的,且分形结构较复杂,在自组织演化过程中是围绕城市、交通等地理要素展开。③示范点空间分布密度呈现明显的差异性,京津冀、长三角的密度最大,珠三角、闽东南和川渝等地次之。④示范点空间分布受资源禀赋、客源市场和交通区位的影响较大,呈现“傍景”、“环城”、“沿路”的分布格局。 This paper takes 483 national level leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration sites as the research samples to study the space configuration, balanced degree, distribution density for the quantitative characterization. Then the spatial interpolation tool and vector data buffer analysis method are used to explore the influence factors of rural tourism destination in China. The conclusions are as follows: (1) 483 national level leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration sites present an aggregate distribution in the geographical space, and belong to agglomeration. (2)The spatial distribution of the demonstration sites is similarly fragmented and its fraetal structure is complex. The system is expanded with the geographic elements such as city, and traffic in the self-organization evolution process. (3)The spatial distribution density of the demonstration sites shows obvious differentiation. (4)The spatial distribution is affected by resources endowment, tourist market and traffic location, and presents "close to A-level Scenic Area", "around the city", "along the road" pattern.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期182-188,207,共8页 Economic Geography
基金 教育部哲学社会科学发展报告“中国旅游业发展报告”(11JBGP041)
关键词 休闲农业与乡村旅游示范点 空间分布 乡村旅游地 影响因素 leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration sites spatial distribution rural tourism destination the influence factor
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