随着"互联网+"时代的到来,翻转课堂(Flipped Classroom)与大规模在线开放课程(MOOCs)引发了高校教育教学的改革与创新。该文在后现代主义教学观指导下,有机融合翻转课堂与MOOCs的理念,提出高校MF教学模式,并面向公共课、专业基础课和专业核心能力培养开展教学改革实践,形成"基于移动终端的高校公共课MF教学模式""基于个人学习空间的专业基础课MF教学模式"和"基于课程群的专业实践MF教学模式"三种应用模式。实践表明,高校MF教学模式具有较好的普适性和有效性,对推动我国高校在线开放课程的共建共享与创新应用,实现人才培养目标具有积极的作用。
As the Intemet plus era is coming, Flipped Classroom and MOOCs lead to the college teaching reform under the mode of lnternet. Under the guidance of the post-modernism curriculum and teaching concept, this study constructs a MF (MOOCs- Flipped Classroom) teaching model by integrating the idea of MOOCs and Flipped Classroom. Furthermore, this study carry out the MF teaching model in university public course, professional basic course and professional core competence training, forming three creative teaching model named "the MF teaching mode of university public course based on mobile terminal", "the MF teaching mode of university professional basic course based on PLS" and "the MF teaching mode of professional practice based on curriculum group". The practice shows that the MF teaching mode is universal and effective in colleges, which is a positive effect to promote the construction, sharing and innovative application of Chinese open online course and the realization of talent training goal.
China Educational Technology