为研究汞离子对植物的遗传毒性,用不同质量浓度的氯化汞溶液(0,0.01,0.1,1.0,10,100μg/m L)分别处理洋葱根尖24 h,采用常规压片技术观察根尖染色体。结果表明,当汞离子的质量浓度达到0.1μg/m L时,就会使洋葱根尖细胞染色体出现畸变,多极分裂,染色体粘连,随着质量浓度的提高畸变现象更为严重,如染色体不均等分裂、细胞核解体。
For the research of Hg2+ on plant genetic toxicity,different concentration of Hg2+(0,0.01,0.1,1.0,10,100 μg/m L)were used separately to treat the root tip of onion for 24 h, passing rule chromosome press part technology to survey the chromosome of root tip cells of onion. The result showed that, when the concentration reached 0.1 μg/m L that would make the chromosome of onion root tip aberrant, multipolar division, chromosome conglutination. The aberrant became more seriously with the increasing of conentration, for example, chromosome unequal divisions and the collapse of nucleus, and so on.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences