
失地农户可持续生计研究新进展 被引量:9

New Progress on Sustainable Livelihoods of Land-lost Peasant Households
摘要 失地农户在为城市建设和经济发展做出巨大贡献的同时也失去了赖以生存和发展的土地,其自身的生产生活遇到了前所未有的挑战和困难。失地农户的生计状况如何?他们在实现生计转型和可持续过程中存在哪些问题以及如何解决这些问题?国内学术界形成了许多有价值的研究成果。从失地农户可持续生计分析框架的建立、对失地农户可持续生计的实证分析、实现失地农户生计可持续的对策等方面对近10年来国内学术界取得的主要研究成果进行梳理和评述。得出如下主要结论:一是失地农户的可持续生计受到严峻挑战,为此应积极调整其就业取向,加强其职业技能训练;二是政府应合理解决失地农户的就业、收入、权益维护、社会保障等方面的问题,以有助于其可持续生计的实现;三是对不同区位失地农户可持续生计的比较研究较为缺乏,这可为失地农户生计问题的后续研究提出可能的方向。 Land-lost peasant households have made great contributions to the urban construction and economic development,but at the same time they have lost land for their survival and development, and their own production lives come across unprecedented challenges and difficulties. How are the liveli- hoods of land-lost peasant households going? What are the problems in their transformation and sustain- able livelihoods, and how to solve these problems? The domestic academia has made valuable research a- chievements.This paper sorts out and reviews the main research achievements from domestic academic circles in recent ten years from the establishment of the sustainable livelihood analysis framework of land-lost peasant households, the empirical analysis of the sustainable livelihood of land-lost peasant households, the countermeasures of achieving sustainable livelihood of land-lost peasant households and and so on.The result shows that firstly, the sustainable livelihoods of land-lost peasant households are fa- cing serious challenges, therefore, it should actively adjust their employment orientation and strengthen their vocational skill training; secondly,the government should reasonably solve such problems of land- lost peasant households as employment, income, rights and interests maintenance and social security, in order to help the implementation of sustainable livelihoods and finally, the scholars' study is relatively in- adeqate in the comparative study of the sustainable livelihoods of land-lost peasant households in differ- ent locations,which will propose the possible directions for the follow-up studies of the livelihood of land-lost peasant households.
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第6期79-85,共7页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"‘土地换保障’背景下失地农户的生计重建:基于可持续生计框架的分析"(71173239) 湖北省人文社科重点研究基地WTO与湖北发展研究中心研究项目"湖北省土地流转与农民增收问题研究"(W2015013) 中南财经政法大学研究生创新教育计划博士生科研创新课题"区位差异对失地农户可持续生计影响的研究"(2015B1014)
关键词 城市化 土地 失地农户 可持续生计 urbanization land land-lost peasant household sustainable livelihoods
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