
真空热处理炉的隔热屏设计及传热学分析 被引量:7

Analysis of Heat Transfer Theory and Design for Heat Shield of Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnace
摘要 作为高温炉的重要组成部分,隔热屏的隔热效率直接影响到真空热处理炉的炉内温度与炉外的温度,对于真空热处理炉的整体性能有着很大的影响。因此,有必要对真空热处理炉的隔热屏结构设计以及隔热屏的热特性进行深入研究。本文基于传热学理论,根据热辐射理论以及隔热屏的工作环境要求,设计了一种真空热处理炉的隔热屏方案,并计算出各层隔热屏的温度及热流量。 As an important component of high temperature furnace,the insulation efficiency of the heat shield will directly influence the temperature of the vacuum heat treatment furnace of inside and outside furnace and the overall performance of the vacuum furnace also. Therefore,it is necessary to analyzing the structure design and thermal characterisrics of the heat shield of the vacuum heat treatment furnace. Based on the theory of heat radiation and the working condition requirements of the heat shield,we designed a scheme of heat shield for vacuum heat treatment furnace and calculated the temperature and the thermal flux of heat shield fluid each layer.
出处 《热处理技术与装备》 2015年第5期73-76,共4页 Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金(51371070)
关键词 真空热处理炉 隔热屏 传热学 vacuum heat treatment furnace heat shield heat transfer theory
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