Objective To discuss the seizure outcome of the patients with normal MRI after surgical treatment. Methods A retrospective study during January 2008 to December 2009 in Neurosurgery department of the 363 hospital. 73 patients admit-ted to surgical treatment with refractory epilepsy. And we collect their medical records. In accordance with the brain MRI scan,we divide the surgical patients into two groups:the first group of all patients with negative MRI results, the second group of all pa-tients had abnormal brain MRI results. All the patients were underwent surgical treatment before rigorous assessments. During the operation,we used cortical electrode monitoring to determine resection area. If the epileptic foci couldn&#39;t be identified, The cortical electrodes were needed to be buried on the surface of the brain. All specimens were resected for pathological examination. All pa-tients were followed up at least a year. And the efficacy of seizure control was evaluated according to Engel classification. Re-sultsThe first group were followed up for 1. 8 years. 16 patients (40%) had Engel classification 1. 19(47. 5%) had Engel classifi-cation 2. 3(7. 5%)had Engel classification 3. 2(5%)Engel classification 4. The second groups were followed up for 1. 8 years. 18 patients(54. 5%) had Engel classification 1. 7(21%) patients had Engel classification 2. 4(12%)patients had Engel classifica-tion 3. 4 patients(12%) had Engel classification 4. Efficacy of postoperative seizure control had no statistically significant differ-ence between two groups. Conclusion This study showed that patients with MRI negative epilepsy, with strict preoperative evalu-ation and screeuing, have early surgical value.
Sichuan Medical Journal
refractory epilepsy
negative brain MRI