采用SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope)和EDS(Energy Spectrum Analysis)对35kV福建省某海岛上失效的钢芯铝绞线(Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced,ACSR)进行表面和断口的形貌、成分分析.结果表明:海洋大气、CO2和尘埃等腐蚀介质导致外层铝股线严重腐蚀,大量腐蚀产物粘附在基体上.表面组成元素除了Al,O外,还含有C,Si,S,Cl,Na,Mg,Ca等.表面不同部位的组成元素不同.与大气接触部位腐蚀最轻,与内层接触处元素组成最复杂.平行于轴向和近垂直于轴向的两种裂纹通过电化学反应,形成腐蚀孔洞,成为ACSR导线在海洋大气腐蚀条件下腐蚀失效的主要原因.断裂面与轴向夹角约为45°.断口可分为3个区域:裂纹形核区、疲劳裂纹扩展区和断裂区.
With the aid of scanning electron microscope(SEM)and energy spectrum analysis(EDS),a research on the fatigue fracture surface of outer Al layers of 35 kV aluminium cable steel reinforced(ACSR)conductors across the#81and#82towers used on an island in Fujian Province was made.Results indicate that the corrosive media such as marine atmosphere,CO2 and dust cause the severe corrosion of the outer aluminum stranded wires.A large number of corrosion products adhere on the substrate.Besides of the element of Al and O,other elements of C,Si,S,Cl,Na,Mg,Ca,etc,also exist.And the different elements exist on the different part of the corrosion surface.The part contacted with the marine atmosphere has a lightest corrosion and the part contacted with the inner Al layer has the most complex content of elements.Two kinds of cracks of parallel to the axial and nearly perpendicular to the axis accelerate fretting corrosion via an electrochemical reaction and forms the corrosion holes.It becomes the main factor of damage of ACSR conductor under marine atmospheric corrosion condition.The angle between the fracture surface and the tensile axis is about 45 degree.The fracture can be divided into three zones:crack nucleation,propagation and ductile fracture.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology