
适用于海底观测网络的恒流远供系统可靠性分析方法 被引量:9

A reliability analysis method on constant current remote power feeding system of cabled seafloor observatory network
摘要 以水下单元的短路/开路故障模式为基础,提出一种分析缆系海底观测网络恒流远供系统可靠性的方法。根据系统供电和结构特性,将系统分成不同的供电链路和链路段。详细研究处于不同位置的各种水下单元发生故障时,对链路和观测设备的供电状态的影响。归纳导致系统和各链路无法正常导通、观测设备无法得到供电的状态情况,分析不同故障状态发生的概率,进而得出求解系统、供电链路与供电设备的供电可靠度的方法。通过算例分析,进一步梳理了3种供电可靠性的共性规律,说明在设计和建设恒流远供系统时,应综合考量这3种供电可靠性。 Based on underwater unit short/open circuit failure modes, a method for analyzing the reliability of constant current remote power feeding system of cabled seafloor observatory network was proposed. According to system power supply and structural properties, the system was divided into different links and segments. Influence on power supply state of the links and observation equipments by unit failures in different position was studied in detail. The causes of leading system and link cannot be conducted and observation equipment cannot be operated were summarized, and the probability of different fault occurrence was analyzed, then power supply reliabilities method of system, links and observation equipments were obtained. Through example analysis, the general law of the three kinds of power supply reliability needs comprehensive considerations in system construction and design phase.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期186-191,共6页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家863计划重点资助项目(2009AAJ128) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71201172)
关键词 恒流 远程供电 短路故障 开路故障 可靠性 constant current remote power feeding short failure open failure reliability
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