
5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗寻常痤疮的临床观察 被引量:14

5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for the treatment of acne vulgaris
摘要 目的观察5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy,ALA-PDT)治疗寻常痤疮的有效性及安全性。方法选取我院皮肤科门诊诊断为中重度痤疮患者50例,随机分成治疗组(20例)和对照组(30例)。治疗组采用4%的ALA外涂后,应用633 nm红光照射治疗。治疗间隔为10 d,共治疗3次。对照组异维A酸0.01 g,1日2次口服,服用至患者痊愈或持续6周停止治疗,同时外用氧氟沙星凝胶。在治疗第2、4、6周进行对比分析。结果治疗组经过治疗后总有效率为93.75%,对照组治疗后总有效率为72.41%,治疗组疗效明显高于对照组,P<0.01。结论 ALA-PDT治疗寻常痤疮效果确切,不良反应少,安全性好,是一种值得推广的治疗寻常痤疮的有效方法。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamc therapy( ALA-PDT) for the treatment of acne vulgaris. Methods A total of 50 subjects with acne vulgaris were randomly divided into treatment group( 20 cases) and control group( 30 cases). Twenty cases in treatment group were given 4% 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for 3 times with an interval of 10 days,while 30 cases in control group were treated with 0. 01 g isotretinoin and levofloxacin hydrochloride gel until cured or discontinue treatment after 6 weeks,the effects between two groups were compared and evaluated on 2,4,6weeks respectively. Results The effective rate of treatment group was 93. 75%,which was statisitically significant than 72. 41% of control group( P〈0. 01). Conclusion ALA-PDT for acne vulgaris has reliable efficacy and less adverse reactions,and is worthy to be popularized.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 2015年第5期453-455,共3页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
基金 黑龙江省卫生厅科研课题(2012-551)
关键词 5-氨基酮戊酸 光动力 痤疮 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamics acne
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