

First aid and treatment of cardiac penetrating injury
摘要 心脏锐器伤是致命性损伤,随着社会的发展,其发生率有增高的趋势。它属于外科急症,具有死亡率高、需要在事发地医院就地抢救的临床特点。本文复习国内外文献资料,对心脏锐器伤的流行病学特点与变迁、快速诊断的方法、抢救与后续治疗方面及亚临床的前瞻性研究等进行综述。 Cardiac penetrating injury is fatal. The incidence of cardiac penetrating injury is gradually increasing with the development of society. It belongs to the category of surgical emergency. In the meantime it has characteristics of high mortality and needs to be rescued in the local hospital where the incident occurrs. This review focused on the characteristics and changes of epidemiology,the method of rapid diagnosis,rescue and follow-up treatment,prospective study of subclinical of cardiac penetrating injury by reviewing domestic and foreign literatures.
作者 陈健 刘建实
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2015年第6期567-569,574,共4页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
基金 天津市滨海新区卫生局科技项目(2014BWKY031)
关键词 心脏锐器伤 诊断 治疗 cardiac penetrating injury diagnosis treatment
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