目的 :探讨代谢酶CYP1A1和GSTM1等位基因型对烟酒诱发人体内淋巴细胞微核的影响。方法 :分别应用等位基因特异性(AS)和多重差别 (MD) -PCR检测CYP1A1和GSTM1的等位基因型 ,应用末梢血微核法检测体内淋巴细胞微核。结果 :与无吸烟史健康人群的淋巴细胞平均微核率 (MNF 0 .2 4‰ )相比 ,吸烟组MNF显著增加 (0 6 5‰ ,P <0 .0 5 ) ,重度饮酒可增强这一效应 (0 .89‰ ,P <0 .0 1) :与无吸烟史的非易感联合基因型 (CYP1A1I1e/I1e·GSTM1+(+/ +和 +/ 0 ) ,CYP1A1I1e/I1e·GSTM10 / 0和CYP1A1I1e/Val·GSTM1+)个体的MNF(0 .42‰ )相比 ,吸烟使GSTM10 / 0基因型个体的MNF显著上升 (0 .75‰ ,P <0 .0 5 ) ,并可使CYP1A1Val/Val基因型和易感联合基因型 (CYP1A1I1e/Val·GSTM10 / 0 ,CYP1A1Val/Val·GSTM1+和CYP1A1Val/Val·GSTM10 / 0 )个体的MNF均上升约 1倍 (0 .83‰和 0 .85‰ ,0 10 >P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :吸烟诱发体内淋巴细胞MNF显著增加 ,重度饮酒增强这一效应。烟酒诱发微核形成与个体CYP1A1和GSTM1的遗传多态性密切相关。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of CYP1A1 and GSTM1 allelotypes on the in vivo micronucleus formation in human peripheral lymphocytes induced by smoking and drinking. Methods: The allelotypes of CYP1A1 and GSTM1 were detected by allele-specific (AS)- and multiplex differential (MD)-PCR respectively. Micronuclei were detected by the in vivo micronucleus test in human capillary blood lymphocytes. Results: It showed that cigarette smoking increased significantly MNF in lymphocvtes (0.65‰, P<0.05) as compared with those of healthy non-smokers (0.24‰), heavy alcohol-drinking enhanced this effect (0.89‰,P<0.01); smoking increased significantly MNF in lymphocytes from individuals with the genotype GSTM1 0/0 (0.75‰, P<0.05) and induced the statistically marginal increase of MNF in lymphocytes of individuals with the genotype CYP1A1 Val/Val and the susceptible combined genotypes CYP1A1 Val/Val·GSTM1 0/0, CYP1A1Val/Val·GSTM1 +(+/+and +/0) and CYP1A1 Val/Ile·GSTM1 0/0 as compared wich those of individuals with the non-susceptible combined genotypes CYP1A1 Ile/Ile·GSTM1+, CYP1A1 Ile/Ile·GSTM1 0/0 and CYP1A1 Ile/Val·GSTM1+. Conclusion: Cigarette smoking induced the significant increase of MNF in lymphocytes of human peripheral blood, heavy alcohol drinking enhanced obviously the effect. The in vivo micronucleus formation induced by smoking and drinking had the close association wich CYP1A1 and GSTM1 allelotypes.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis
江苏省卫生厅科研基金资助 (H95 2 7)