One of the author during 1985--1988 were collected a large number oftermites from Quizhou Province, in which 48 species were found after stu-dying, belonging to 9 genera and 4 families respectively. Among them 8species are described as new to science and diagnosed as follows: All type specimens are kept in Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Aca-demia Sinica. Paratype specimens are kept in Shanghai Institute of Ento-mology,Academia Sinica and The Science Institute. of House Administrationand Design of Quiyang separately. All measurements are in millimeters.1. Stylotermes mirabilis, sp. nov.. (Fig. 1--5) The soldier of S. mirabilis, new species, similar to that of S. jinyunicusPing et Chen, but differs as follows: Body size smaller, antennae with 14articles, head index (width/length) 0.625--0.632, length of head (to baseof mandible) 2.088--2. 102, posterior margin of pronotum slightly depressedin middle. The soldier of new species also resembles that of S. guiyangensis Ping etGong, but it can easily distinguished by the body rather smaller, labrumwith broad rounded apex, postmentum rather shorter and its length about7.5 times the maximum width, posterior margin of pronotum slightly dep-ressed in middle. Type locality: Tongren county, Guizhou province, Soldiers(holotype andparatypes), workers, collected by Qiu Qisheng, August 16, 1986, specimenno. 090105372. Coptotermes zhenguanensis, sp. nov. (Fig. 6--11). The soldier of new species allied to that of C. ochruceus Ping et Xu,butdiffers as follows: Antennae with 16 articles, opening of fontanelle conspi-cuous arciform, postmentum shorter and broader, its length about 3. 3--3. 5times the minimum width, length of left mandible 1.03--1.08, almost equalto the length of postmentum. Type locality: Zhenyuen county, Guizhou province. Soldiers (holotypeand paratypes), workers: collected by Qiu Qisheng, April 13, 1986, specimenno. 09010047.3. Reticulitermes bicristatus, sp. nov. (Fig. 12--17) The soldier of new species with the body size larger similar to that ofR. hainanensis Tsai et Huang, but differs as follows: Head distinct narrowerand longer, length of head (to base of mandible) 2.64--2.76, head index(width/length) 0.52--0.56, frontal hump slightly raised and the heightabove the level of the hind disc from profile view, labrum without para-terminal bristles, posterior margin of pronotum distinctly emarginate inmiddle Type locality: Guizhou province.4. Reticulitermes angustatus, sp. nov. (Fig. 18--23) The soldier of new species allied to that of R. hainanensis Tsai et Huang,but can be distinguished by head distinct narrower and longer. head index(width/length) 0.533--0.571, pronotum with posterior margin slightly de-pressed in middle. allied also to that of R. guiyangensis. new species, but differs in thebody size larger, head narrower and longer, head index 0.533--0.571, post-mentum distinct broader. Type locality: Jiankou county, Guizhou province,Soldiers(holotype andparatypes), workers: collected by Qiu Qishdng, May 16, 1988, specimen no. 09011118.5. Reticulitermes guiyangensis, sp. nov. (Fig. 24--29) The soldier of new species similar to that of R.aculabialis Tsai et Huang,but differs in the frontal hump slightly, raised and its top with distinctcleft in middle, labrum with subterminal bristles and two middle bristles,pronotum narrower and longer, pronotum index (length/width)0.576--0.60.Type locality: Guizhou province.6. Reticulitermes levatoriceps, sp. nov. (Fig. 30--35) The soldier of new species resembles that of R. leptomandibularis Hsia etFan and R. gaoyaoensis Tsai et Li, but differs in the pronotum with about10--16 bristles on disc, head broader, head index (width/length) 0.602--0.653; postmentum broader, postmentum index (maximum width/length)0. 333--0. 35, postmentum index (minimum width/length) 0. 108--0. 12; pro--notum broader, pronotum index (length/width) 0.578--0.641. Type locality: Guiyang county, Guizhou province, Soldier(holotype andparatypes), workers: collected by Qiu Qisheng, specimen no. 09009054.7. Reticulitermes mirogulus, sp. nov. (Fig. 36--41) The soldier and imago of new species resemble those of R. labralis Hsiaet Fan, but can be distinguished by the soldier with postmentum narrower,minimum width 0. 144--0. 156 and its antero--lateral margin slightly depressedin middle: labrum long tongue--shaped, apex broadly rounded; by the imagowith ocellus oval, its maximum diameter 0.078--0.084, the distance betweenlower margin of eye and lower margin of head distinctly shorter than thediameter of eye, and the forewing narrower and longish, the width of fore-wing 1.632--1.68. The soldier of new species also resembles that of R. emei Gao et Zhuand R. translucens Ping et Xu, but differs in the antero--lateral margin ofpostmentum depressed in middle, the waist broader, its minimum width0. 144--0. 156. Type locality: Fanjingshan, Guizhou province, Soldier (holotype andparatypes), workers, collected by Qiu Qisheng, May 31, 1988, specimen no. 09011127.8. Macrotermes incisus, sp. nov. (Fig. 42--53) The soldier of new species allied to that of M. trimorphus Li et Ping,but differs from the latter in the soldier dimorphic, in the major soldierwith head and postmentum both broader, the head index (width/length)0.783, the postmentum index (maximu width/length) 0. 378, posterior mar-gin of head distinctly emarginate,the pronotum narrower,width of pronotum2.016, the index (pronotum width/head width) 0.642, distinct narrower: inthe minor soldier with head and postmentum also both broader, head index(width/length) 0.812--0.833, postmentum index(width/length)0.40--0.444,and the body size larger than the minor soldier and smaller than the majorsoldier of M. trimorphus. Type locality: Guizhou province.
Guizhou province