
东盟安全观与东南亚地区安全合作机制 被引量:12

ASEAN's Security Concept and Regional Security Cooperation Mechanisms in Southeast Asia
摘要 东盟安全观有三大特色,一是允许多边主义框架下单边主义发展;二是综合安全理念下政治安全优先;三是大国承诺下的地区安全与自治。这种独特的安全观对东南亚地区安全合作机制的架构和走向产生很大影响。多边主义框架下对单边主义的包容导致东南亚地区出现安全合作机制三环交叠之架构。对主权安全的看重使得以东盟为中心的地区合作机制难以深化安全合作。区外大国安全承诺下的地区事务自治的理念使得以美国为中心的安全合作机制不可能成为该地区安全合作的主导机制。该地区国家以解决具体问题为导向的双边和小多边安全合作则成为地区安全合作的有效形式,其与以东盟为中心的地区安全合作机制相互补充,成为地区安全合作的主要模式。 ASEAN'security concept has three characteristics.Firstly,the unilateralism is allowed to develop under the framework of multilateralism.Secondly,the political security takes precedence in the concept of comprehensive security.Thirdly,seeking regional security and autonomy is by the great powers promise.These characteristics have significant impact on the architecture and trend of regional security cooperation mechanisms in Southeast Asia.The regional security cooperation mechanisms are showing three overlapping circles architecture.ASEAN-centred multilateral mechanisms are difficult to deepen security cooperation.The security cooperation mechanisms led by the United States could not have become the dominant ones in Southeast Asia.The bilateral and small multilateral mechanisms for solving specific problems have become effective forms of regional security cooperation.They and ASEAN-centred multilateral mechanism complement each other,becoming the main mode of regional security cooperation in Southeast Asia.
作者 韦红
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期27-34,共8页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 2014年国际社科基金重大项目"总体国家安全观下的中国东南周边地区安全机制建构研究"(14ZDA087) 2010年国家社科基金重点项目"我国积极参与国际体系变革进程并推动其和谐化发展研究"(10AZD029)
关键词 东盟 东南亚 安全合作 ASEAN Southeast Asia security cooperation
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