
“面向行动”外语教学理念的启示——对项目德语教学的思考 被引量:2

Inspiration from action-oriented approach to foreign language teaching——Thinking on German teaching for Sino-German joint education program
摘要 介绍了《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》(以下简称《共同参考框架》)提出的"面向行动"外语教学理念,该理念强调在外语教学过程中,需要将外语学习者看作普通社会人,使其置身于社会环境中,完成真实的社会任务。还介绍了《共同参考框架》提出的具体、透明、以"能做……"为描述语的外语能力量化表。在此基础上,对浙江科技学院实施中德联合培养项目的德语教育同《共同参考框架》理念接轨的现状进行了分析,认为要适应新要求,中德联合培养项目德语教学面临挑战。 This paper introduces the action-oriented approach by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). The action-oriented approach emphasizes that language learners should be treated as ordinary people in the society in the process of foreign language teaching, so that they could be immersed in the social context and able to complete real tasks. This paper also introduces language proficiency scales proposed by CEFR. The scales are concrete and transparent, and each evaluation criterion in the scales is started with "can do…". On this basis, this paper analyzes the status quo of the application of CEFR at German courses of the Sino-German joint education program at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The paper points out that German language teaching for Sino-German joint education program is full of challenges in order to meet the criteria. Key words: foreign language teaching method; language proficiency scales; German teaching
作者 翁震华
出处 《浙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2015年第5期392-397,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
关键词 外语教学理念 外语能力量化表 德语教学 foreign language teaching method language proficiency scales German teaching
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