
厦门市重性精神疾病患者的经济负担及其影响因素 被引量:4

Economic burden of patients with severe mental disease and its influencing factors
摘要 目的调查厦门市重性精神疾病患者的经济负担及其影响因素。方法在国家重性精神疾病基本数据收集分析系统中,抽取厦门市海沧、集美、翔安区共260例重性精神疾病患者为调查对象。以厦门市重性精神疾病经济花费调查表对患者的各种花费进行调查,内容包括直接花费和间接花费。对经济负担的影响因素进行多重回归分析。结果最终完成调查198例(80.82%)。重性精神疾病患者年人均总花费为30968.12元,直接花费为9712.00元,间接花费为21256.12元。以总花费的自然对数为因变量(Y),以是否住院(住院患者)(X1)、户籍类型(农村、城镇患者)(X2)、婚姻状况(已婚、未婚等)(X3)、患者享受何种医疗保障(城镇职工基本医疗保险、新农合等)(X4)为自变量建立回归方程Ln Y=-0.395Ln X1-0.176Ln X2+0.175Ln X3+0.134Ln X4+9.818(F=21.042,P<0.01)。结论重性精神疾病经济花费造成巨大的经济负担,受是否住院、户籍类型、婚姻状况、患者享受何种医疗保障等因素影响。 Objective To learn the economic burden of patients with severe mental disease and its influencing factors in Xiamen. Methods 260 patients with severe mental disease in Haicang,Jimei and Xiangˊan district were selected from the national basic data collection analysis system of severe mental illness. The Xiamen economic cost questionnaire of serious mental disease was used to survey the costs,including the direct costs and indirect costs. The influencing factors of the economic burden was carried out by multiple regression analysis. Results Finally,198 patients completed the study. The per capita total costs of one year was 30968. 12 yuan,the direct costs and indirect costs were 9712. 00 yuan and 21256. 12 yuan,respectively. The influencing factors were analyzed by regression equation. The main factors influencing the total economic burden included:whether hospitalization,the place of household registration(rural or city),marital status(married or unmarried). Conclusion The costs of patients with serious mental disease are huge economic burdens,and the costs are influenced by many factors.
出处 《四川精神卫生》 2015年第6期533-535,共3页 Sichuan Mental Health
基金 2012年度厦门市科技计划项目(ZD2011S0383)
关键词 重性精神疾病 疾病负担 经济负担 花费 Serious mental disease Burden of disease Economic burden Costs
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