
毫米波宽带H面波导微带转换结构 被引量:2

Waveguide-microstrip transition structure of millimeter wave broadband H plane
摘要 微带探针的波导微带的转换结构基于直接插入波导的微带探针激励方法设计,是一种用于毫米波单片微波集成电路(MMIC)芯片封装测试的波导-微带转换结构。运用微带探针直接插入波导进行场的激励方式,可使得整体结构更加简单、紧凑,并且具有无需焊接和安装方便等优点。利用三维电磁仿真软件(HFSS)对Ka波段波导的H面探针方式波导-微带转换装置进行了仿真与优化设计,结果表明在26.5-40 GHz的波导全带宽内,端口的反射系数小于-20 d B,带内损耗小于0.3 d B。 The probe conversion structure of waveguide to microstrip is based on the microstip probe excitation method into the waveguide in the designation. And it is used in the monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) for the measure of the chip and packaging. Based on the microstrip probe into waveguide to conduct the field mode excitation, it can be more simple, compact and easy installation. Using the three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software (HFSS) in the Ka band for the simulation and optimization of the waveguide to microstrip structure, the results shows the reflection coefficient of port is less than -20dB, the insertion loss is less than 0.3dB in the 26.5-40 GHz band.
作者 李钰 翁鹏飞
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《电子设计工程》 2015年第24期90-92,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 波导微带转换 宽带 微带探针 H面 Waveguide-microstrip conversion structure wide bandwidth microstrip probe H-plane
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