
政府与科学——说不尽的布什报告 被引量:12

Science and Government:the Endless Topic of Bush Report
摘要 1945年发布的《科学——没有止境的前沿》是美国有关政府与科学之间关系的经典表述,是西方科技政策的奠基之作。本文围绕布什报告提出的基础研究、创新的线性模型以及学术自由等重要概念及思想,考察、分析70年来科技政策发展演变的若干流脉,并提示对我国科技政策研究与制定的借鉴与启示。 Bushes seminal 1945 report Science The Endless Frontier, which is regarded as the classical statement shaping the post-war relationship of government and science in the US, is the most influential document of science and technology policy in the Western countries. The paper has focused on some important concepts and ideas of science, technology and innovation policy putting forward in the Bush Report, such as the concepts of the basic research, lineal model and freedom of research. The paper examined the evolution and development of the science and technology policy of the U. S. during the last 70 years. It also tried to provide insights into policy-making in China.
作者 龚旭
出处 《科学与社会》 CSSCI 2015年第4期82-101,共20页 Science and Society
关键词 万尼瓦尔·布什 基础研究 线性模型 学术自由 创新政策 Vannevar Bush, basic research, lineal model, freedom of research, innovation policy
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