目的 比较学校食堂供餐和企业配送供餐两种供餐模式下营养午餐的膳食结构、营养素供给和学生的午餐剩饭情况,为管理决策者制定改善营养午餐质量、降低剩饭率的政策提供依据。方法 按照典型抽样的方法,在北京市丰台区选取4所中等规模的小学。借由学校管理者获得学校食堂和配餐公司的午餐食谱,并采用相关软件进行午餐质量分析;由带餐老师观察记录每个学生的剩饭情况;学生的基本信息及其剩饭原因通过自填式问卷收集。调查数据采用SPSS 11.5进行统计分析。结果 学校食堂和配餐企业提供的动物性食物分别达到76.4g和94.8g,都超过了各个年龄组的标准,但是都未提供奶类。其他各类食物在不同程度上不能达到部分或全部年龄组的标准。各类营养素的供应量只有维生素C能同时达到三个年龄组的标准,学校食堂和配餐企业分别是29.6mg和39.7mg。配餐企业和学校食堂各个年龄组主食剩饭率、素菜剩饭率、荤菜剩饭率以及总体剩饭率依次为6~8岁组(5.5%vs0.6%、11.9%vs2.7%、5.1%vs1.6%、3.6%vs0.9%),9~11岁组(11.6%vs7.8%、36.6%vs10.8%、12.8%vs7.8%、16.8%vs6.0%)以及12~15岁组(16.3%vs3.4%、56.3%vs2.8%、20.6%vs4.1%、27.5%vs3.4%)。企业配送供餐组学生倾向于认为剩饭是由于“不好吃”(56.1%);学校食堂供餐组学生则更倾向于认为是“给的太多”(51.4%)。与学校食堂供餐组相比,企业配送供餐组的学生更倾向于认为午餐饭菜不好吃是“肉太少”(P〈0.05)、“饭菜太凉”(P〈0.05)及“饭菜种类少”(P〈0.05)。结论 两种供餐模式的营养午餐食谱中大部分营养素均未达到《学生营养午餐营养供给量(WS/T 100-1998)》的标准,且膳食结构不合理。在各个年龄组中,配餐企业组剩饭率均高于学校食堂组。二者在剩饭原因上也表现出不同的特点。导致饭菜不好吃的各种原因在企业供餐模式中更加突出。
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the dietary pattern and nutrient intake of nutrition lunches and the students' plate waste rate under two different modes of lunch service served by school canteens and specialized enterprises, respectively and provide evidence for policymakers to make out appropriate policies of improving the quality of nutrition lunches and decreasing the students' plate waste rate. Methods A typical sampling survey was completed in four middle-scale primary schools in Fengtai district of Beijing. Data of students' basic information and reasons of plate waste were obtained from students by using self-administered questionnaires. Recipes were provided by school administrators, and plate waste rate was recorded by teachers. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 11.5 and recipe analysis software. Results Animal foods supplied by school canteens and specialized enterprises were 76.38g and 94.80g respectively, Both of them surpassed the standard. However, both of them didn't supply any dairy products at all. As for nutrients, only the supply of vitamin C could meet the standard for all groups, which were 29.6mg and 39.7 mg, respectively. The plate waste rate of main dish, plant food, animal food and the overall plate waste of school canteens and specialized enterprises were 5.5% vs 0.6%, 11.9% vs 2.7%, 5.1% vs 1.6%, 3.6% vs 0.9%, 9-11 age group 11.6% vs 7.8%, 36.6% vs 10.8%, 12.8% vs 7.8%, 16.8% vs 6.0% respectively in 6-8 age group and 16.3% vs 3.4%, 56.3% vs 2.8%, 20.6% vs 4.1%, 27.5% vs 3.4% in 12-15 age group. Students served by specialized enterprises tended to take the "unpalatable food" (56.1%) as the main reason of plate waste.For students served by school canteens, the main reason was "given too much"(51.4%).Compared with school canteens, students served by specialized enterprises were more likely to consider "too little meat"(P〈0.05), "too cold" (P〈0.05) and "few species" (P〈0.05) as the main reason of "unpalatable" . Conclusion Most of nutrients supplied under the two modes didn't meet "the standards of student nutrition lunch supply (WS/T 100-1998), and their dietary patterns were unreasonable. Lunches served by specialized enterprises had more plate waste than school canteens in each age group. Their main reason of plate waste was also different.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
nutrition lunch
service mode of lunch
plate waste