
拟覆盆子叶总黄酮提取及抗氧化活性 被引量:8

Extraction and Antioxidant Activity of Total Flavonoids from Rubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves
摘要 为充分发掘和综合利用贵州拟覆盆子资源,采用正交试验法优化回流提取拟覆盆子叶总黄酮的条件,以VC、BHT为对照,通过清除DPPH、ABTS^+·自由基试验来评价总黄酮体外抗氧化能力。结果表明:拟覆盆子叶总黄酮最佳提取条件为体积分数70%乙醇、料液比1∶60(g/mL)、80℃提取2次、每次4h该条件下的总黄酮含量最高,达38.540mg/g;总黄酮对DPPH、ABTS+·自由基有较强的清除能力,在试验所选浓度范围内(10.32~19.28μg/mL),其清除能力均高于VC和BHT。拟覆盆子叶总黄酮含量较丰富,且抗氧化能力强,可作为天然抗氧化剂进行开发利用。 The extraction technology of total flavonoids from Rubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves was optimized by the orthogonal test and the antioxidant activity of flavonoids from Rubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves was evaluated by using the clearance rate of DPPH and ABTS^+·to fully explore and utilize Rubus idaeopsis Focke resources in Guizhou.Results:The optimum extraction conditions for total flavonoids fromRubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves are 70% ethanol,1∶60of material-liquid ratio(g/ml)and two extractions at 80℃for 4h/extraction.Total flavonoids content can reach 38.540mg/g under the optimum extraction conditions.Total flavonoids extracted from Rubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves is of the strong clearance rate against DPPH and ABTS^+·.The clearance ability of total flavonoids fromRubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves during 10.32-19.28μg/mL against DPPH and ABTS^+·is well above VCand BHT.Rubus idaeopsis Focke Leaves containing abundant total flavonoids with strong antioxidant ability should be utilized as a natural antioxidant.
出处 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2015年第11期169-173,共5页 Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
基金 贵阳市科技局科技特派员计划"悬钩子属可食资源的利用及配套种植技术研究"[筑科合同(2011207)] 贵州省科技厅 贵阳学院联合基金项目"插田泡中超氧化歧化酶(SOD)的提取纯化研究"[黔科合J字LKG(2013)13] 贵州省教育厅2013年教学内容和课程体系改革重点项目"基于应用能力 创新能力培养的<有机波谱及结构分析>课程理论与实践教学改革的探索"[黔教高发(2013)446]
关键词 拟覆盆子 总黄酮 抗氧化活性 Rubus idaeopsis Focke leaf total flavonoids antioxidant activity
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