
论全球化背景下的社会科学研究 被引量:1

On Social Science Research against the Background of Globalization
摘要 20世纪80年代起,人类进入全球化、后工业化征程,这是人类历史又一次伟大的社会转型运动,对社会科学研究也提出了严峻挑战。我们现在所拥有的在工业社会的历史阶段中建立起来的社会科学体系,显然不能够有效解决全球化、后工业化中出现的新的社会问题。这决定了社会科学研究所面对的对象和所要承担的任务的变化,因此需要从现实出发致力于社会科学的重建。中国是在改革开放的进程中开始恢复社会科学研究的,在30多年的历程中,主要是向西方发达国家学习和借鉴已有的成果并应用于解决中国社会发展中的一些问题。可是,中国的改革开放在时间点上恰与全球化、后工业化进程相契合,这又决定了中国的社会科学研究不能仅仅满足于学习和借鉴,而是需要走一条自主创新的道路。 Since the 1980s, human society has entered the era of globalization and post-industrialization age, which is another great social transformation movement in the history of mankind, and poses tremendous challenges for social science research. The social science system which we have set up in the historical stages of industrial society obviously can no lon- ger effectively solve the new social problems in the age of globalization and post-industrial society. This determines the changes in the objects and tasks for social science researches, so we need to reconstruct social science by proceeding from the reality. China resumed social science research in the process of reform and opening up. Over the past 30 years, China has mainly learned from the Western developed countries to try to solve some of its own problems in social development. However, China's reform and opening up coincided with globalization and post-industrialization in timeframe, which in turn determines that China's social science researches cannot be content with learning and reference, but seek a independent and innovative path of its own.
作者 张康之
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期5-15,共11页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
关键词 全球化 后工业化 社会科学研究 学习与借鉴 创新 globalization post-industrialization social science research learning and reference innovation
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