
赓扬“四堂”又一“堂”——甲骨学五氏同“堂”——兼谈古文字的破译与释读 被引量:1

Another "Tang" Appears after the Previous Four "Tang" ——Five Jiaguxue Scholars Used the Same Name "Tang" ——Also on the Decipherment and Explanation of Ancient Chinese Scripts
摘要 甲骨文的发现迄今已一百年 ,因甲骨文之发现 ,甲古学由是创建 ,并已成为一门显学。治甲骨学之中坚五氏同“堂” :罗振玉 ,号雪堂 ;王国维 ,号观堂 ;董作宾 ,号彦堂 ;郭沫若 ,号鼎堂 ;饶宗颐 ,号选堂。从世界范围审视 ,19世纪系破译古文字与释读其文献之前弘期 ;2 0世纪则是破译古文字与释读其文献之辉煌期 。 The oracular inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones were discovered a hundred years ago.And then,Jiaguxue (studies on those inscriptions) was established. The five most important researchers in this field are all called 'Tang'.As far as the world is concerned,the 19th century may be called the prelude to the bright period of the researches in the ancient scripts. And the 20th century is the bright period of researches in the palaeography.
作者 刘以焕
出处 《北方论丛》 2001年第6期109-111,共3页 The Northern Forum
关键词 古文字学 甲骨文 破译 palaeography Jiaguwen (inscriptions on tortoise and bones) decipherment
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  • 2陈寅恪.金明馆丛稿二编[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1980..
  • 3D Diringer. The Alphabet; A Key to the History of Mankind p. 41[M]. New York: Philosophical Library, 1953.
  • 4周有光.世界文学发展史[M].上海:上海教育出版社,1997.
  • 5季羡林.李济与清华[M].北京:清华大学出版社,1994.
  • 6刘以焕.希腊上古线形文字说略--比较、参折乙种线形文字与甲骨文的"黍"字[A].华学:第四集[Z].北京:紫禁城出版社,2000.



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