以冷弯薄壁C型钢与其两侧竹板条为组合龙骨,龙骨上下顶面与竹胶板采用胶黏剂复合,并通过内填和外贴保温隔热材料形成节能环保型钢-竹组合墙体。以墙体夹芯层填充材料种类、有无设置外保温系统及试件厚度为基本参数,对13个组合墙体试件进行传热性能试验研究,观察墙体龙骨处热桥效应和试件表面的温度变化,分析填充材料、试件厚度、挤塑聚苯板外保温系统等因素对墙体保温性能的影响,并在此基础上进行组合墙体传热性能试验值和理论值的比较分析。结果表明,内填保温玻璃棉和聚氨酯发泡的钢-竹组合墙体均具有良好的保温效果,其传热系数为0.145~0.387 W/(m^2·℃),聚氨酯型墙体保温性能优于玻璃棉型墙体,挤塑聚苯板外保温系统可降低组合墙体的热量损失,从而削弱组合龙骨所在部位的热桥效应,其影响随着保温效果的提高逐渐减弱。利用防护热板法测量墙体主要材料的导热系数,据此计算墙体传热系数,其计算结果与实测结果吻合良好,平均误差约为5%,说明可通过理论分析获得较可靠的钢-竹组合墙体传热性能评价结果。
It was presented the heat transfer behavior of a new form of energy saving composite walls composed of bamboo plywood and cold-formed thin-walled C steel. Two bamboo plywood laths were glued and cold-formed thinwalled steel channel as wall keel,and two pieces of bamboo plywoods on the upper and lower side of the wall keel,and then filled insulation materials were filled inside and posted outside. It was studied the heat transfer behavior of 13 specimens experimentally through changing the thickness of specimens,different insulation materials and setting the exterior insulation system. It was also observed the thermal bridge at the location of keel and the temperature variation on the surface,and analyzed the effect of different thickness of composite wall,different types of filled insulation materials and extruded polystyrene board exterior insulation system on the heat insulation of the walls. On this basis,it was also analyzed and compared the experimental and theoretical values of heat transfer behavior of the composite walls.The results showed that the composite walls filled with glass wool or polyurethane foam had good thermal insulation properties,whose thermal conductivity was between 0. 145 ~ 0. 387 W /( m^2·℃),and the polyurethane foam wall performance was better than that of glass wool wall. The extruded polystyrene board exterior insulation system could reduce the heat loss of composite walls and weaken the thermal bridge effect at the location of keel,thus improving the thermal insulation properties of composite walls. Using the guarded hot plate method,the thermal conductivities of main materials were measured,and the transfer coefficient of specimens was calculated. The average error between the calculated values and the experimental ones was about 5%,so they were in good agreement. Which showed that a reliable heat transfer behavior evaluation of bamboo-steel composite walls could be got through theoretical analysis.
Industrial Construction
composite wall
cold-formed thin-walled C steel
bamboo plywood
heat transfer coefficient
glass wool insulation