
制导炮弹用MINS/GPS滚转角在线对准方法 被引量:3

Roll Angle In Flight Alignment of MINS/GPS Guided Projectile
摘要 针对制导炮弹空中飞行时间短、无法实现有目的机动的问题,提出了一种制导炮弹用MINS/GPS(Micro Inertial Navigation System/Global Position System)滚转角在线对准的方法。该方法首先利用弹体绕质心转动的运动学方程,建立了制导炮弹发射后的滚转角在线对准模型,并从理论上推导了该模型的对准误差,最后以低旋尾翼弹为研究对象进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明:提出的滚转角在线对准方法获得的滚转角误差分布在0°-2°范围内,能够有效地辨识出弹体飞行过程中的滚转角,满足空中粗对准的滚转角估计精度要求。 Aiming at the problem that the purposive maneuver of the guided projectile is unable to be realized during its short flight time, a new method was proposed to calculate the roll angle of MINS/GPS for the guided projectile. This method utilized the kinematic equations of the rotation for the guided projectile to establish the alignment model for the roll angle after launch, and the alignment error for the model was derived. The simulation was carried out based on the trajectory data of a fin-stabilized projectile with low spin speed. Simulation result showed that the roll angle error was within 0-2°and it could effectively identify the roll angle for the guided projectile, which indicated that the proposed method can satisfy the requirement of roll angle estimation during the coarse alignment in-flight.
出处 《探测与控制学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期46-50,共5页 Journal of Detection & Control
基金 总装预研项目资助(51309020501)
关键词 制导炮弹 MINS/GPS 滚转角 粗对准 空中对准 guided projectile MINS/GPS roll angle coarse alignment in flight alignment
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