目的:了解大连市甘井子区监管场所羁押人群艾滋病病毒感染状况及危险行为,为制定该类人群艾滋病防制策略提供依据。方法:采用统一编制问卷对辖区羁押人员进行危险行为状况调查,并按照《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》开展HIV抗体检测。结果:对13 264名羁押人员进行HIV抗体检测,感染率为0.38%。羁押人员艾滋病病毒的感染率因不同户籍、婚姻状况及危险行为史等条件不同而存在差异,具有统计学意义。结论:甘井子区监管场所羁押人员存在一定的HIV感染,应建立卫生部门与监管场所的联合防控机制。
Objective: To explore HIV infection and risk behaviors in detention places of Ganjingzi District,and to provide a basis for prevention and control of HIV / AIDS. Methods: The risk behaviors among detainees in the detention places were investigated with an unified formulation of questionnaire,and the HIV antibody detection was carried out according to national guideline for detection of HIV / AIDS. Results: The HIV infection rate of 13264 detainees was 0. 38%. The infection rates were different with household register,marital status and histoty of risk behaviors and the like,and the differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: There is HIV prevalence among the detainees in the detention places in Ganjingzi district. It is necessary to establish a cooperation mechanism between the health system and detention places.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health