
艾滋病患者和HIV感染者中结核潜伏性感染的诊断与预防性治疗 被引量:18

The research advances on diagnosis and preventive treatment of latent tuberculosis in people living with HIV/AIDS
摘要 获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)和结核病是威胁人类健康的两大疾病。当患者同时感染HIV和Mtb时,将加速疾病进展。对于结核病高负担的中国,潜伏性Mtb感染的防治至关重要,一旦发展为活动性结核病,常为其致死原因。在预防策略上,HIV感染者与非HIV感染者有很多不同之处,不能照搬。笔者对HIV感染者与非HIV感染者中结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物(PPD)及7干扰素释放试验(IGRA)等的诊断价值及不同防治策略的有效性做一综述,以指导临床诊治。 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and tuberculosis (TB) are two life-threatening di- seases. The co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and mycobacterium tuberculosis will accelerate di- sease progression. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection is very important in preventing progression to active rib disease which is often the death cause of HIV/AIDS patients. The prevention strategies between HIV-infected and non-HIV infected population have a lot of differences. Now, we will review the diagnostic value of Interferon-Gam- ma-Release Assays and purified protein derivative, and the effectiveness of different prevention strategies to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment.
作者 刘惠 闻颖
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2016年第1期57-60,共4页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
关键词 HIV/AIDS人群 潜伏性结核 防治策略 HIV/AIDS population Latent tuberculosis Diagrosis and preventive strategies
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