
基坑预留土台的简化分析方法研究 被引量:10

A simplified analysis method for earth berm in foundation pit
摘要 利用有限元软件对基坑预留土台对围护结构的内力及变形的影响规律进行研究,并对预留土台作用下围护桩的内力及变形的简化计算方法进行探讨。分析结果表明,预留土台的存在对减小围护桩的内力及变形具有显著的作用,且随着预留土台宽度、高度的增大,围护桩的内力及变形呈明显的减小趋势,但当预留土台宽度增大至约1倍开挖深度时,围护桩的变形逐渐趋于稳定。当计算预留土台作用下的围护桩变形及内力时,先利用弹性地基梁法计算该开挖深度下的围护桩的变形及内力,然后乘以预留土台的面积折减系数,即可得到预留土台作用下的围护桩变形及内力。经实际工程验证,采用该简化计算方法可较为简便地计算预留土台作用下围护桩的内力及变形。 The interaction between earth berm and retaining structure is analyzed with finite element method. A simplified method is proposed to consider the effect of earth berm on the retaining pile. The calculated results show that the existence of earth berm has a significant influence on reducing the internal force and displacement of retaining pile. The internal force and displacement of retaining pile decrease with the increase of the width or height of earth berm. The pile deformation gradually tends to steady when the width of earth berm increases to the excavation depth. The deformation and internal force of the retaining piles considering the effect of earth berm can be calculated by the following method. Firstly, the deformation and internal force of the retaining piles can be calculated by elastic foundation beam method without considering the effect of earth berm. Then the area reduction factor of the earth berm is calculated. Finally, the deformation and internal force can be calculated. Through actual engineering verification, the force and deformation of retaining structure can be more easily calculated by the simplified calculation method.
作者 尹盛斌
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期524-536,共13页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
关键词 基坑 预留土台 简化分析方法 foundation pit reserved earth berm simplified analysis method
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