
关于广东地区博物馆馆刊建设的调查研究 被引量:1

A Survey Study on the Construction of Museum Periodicals in Guangdong Area
摘要 馆刊的有无与好坏,已经成为评价博物馆软件水平的重要指标,但大多数博物馆对馆刊的建设工作还不够重视。文章通过对广东地区博物馆的12种馆刊建设情况的调查和分析,发现没有公开刊号、稿源不足、缺乏专业编辑人员等是制约馆刊发展的主要原因,并就广东地区博物馆馆刊几乎都为内刊的特殊情况进行分析,重点对内刊如何突破发展困境作一些初步的探讨。 With or without a museum periodical and the periodical's quality have become an important index to evaluate the level of museum's software. However, most museums don't pay enough attention to the construction of museum periodical. Through the investigation and analysis of the construction of 12 museum periodicals in Guangdong area, it is considered that has not periodical number, lack of contribution source and lack of professional editors are the main reasons for restricting the development of museum periodical. Based on the special case that museum periodicals in Guang Dong area almost have not periodical number, this article focus on how to break the development dilemma and how to have better development.
作者 温冰
机构地区 中国客家博物馆
出处 《博物院》 2017年第5期79-84,共6页 Museum
关键词 博物馆馆刊 刊号 出版周期 稿源 宣传 Museum periodicals periodical number publication cycle contribution source publicity
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