崩塌与滑坡灾害之治理 ,首重破坏诱因之了解与破坏机制之调查。再根据调查观测所得之资料与参数 ,着手进行规划设计适当之防治对策 ,方能得到良好的治理成效。泰山滑坡位于台湾南部极重要之曾文水库的保护带 ,其边坡由陆陆续续的崩陷而逐渐演变为坍滑 ,甚至造成交通中断受阻。调查发现本区为属浅层滑动 ,滑动区平面类似酒瓶状 ,主要原因为长期受到雨水之漫流与渗透软化的影响 ,加上蚀沟之切割淘刷作用 ,使得边坡容易失去支撑而滑动。经施以经济有效的蚀沟控制工程兴建多座潜坝、跌水与排水设施后 ,发现确实提高了边坡之稳定性 ,地区产业因而可以持续动作 ,是一次相当成功的治理案例模式 ,但由于施工便道之开辟不当 ,遂再度诱发部份边坡的坍滑 。
It was the most important thing to realize the temptation factor and to investigate the mechanism of slope failure before the prevention works planning. Then, there were very good efficacy depended on the data and parameter of investigation result for undertaking the suitable prevention works planning. In this study, the experimental site was Tai-Shan landslide, which located at the Tseng-Wen reservoir buffer zone in south Taiwan, and was unstable and giving rise to landslide disaster as a result of the intluences of runoff overflow, rainfall infiltration and erosion of gully cutting. This successful example caused slope stability increased by way of efficient and economical prevention works construction such as concrete dam, ditch, drop structures, etc., but part of the slope was induced sliding again owing to the unsuitable road built. Thus, maintenance and management would become more important afterward on landslide area.
Mountain Research