
船公司合作下考虑碳排放的集装箱运输优化 被引量:1

Container Transportation Optimization in View of Shipping Company Cooperation and Carbon Emissions
摘要 为有效提高船公司的竞争能力,船公司合作下的空箱再利用是提高其经济和环境效益的重要手段。在允许租箱的前提下综合考虑船公司合作与集装箱运输碳排放,建立空箱再利用条件下集装箱重箱和空箱运输优化模型,用于比较船公司合作与非合作条件下对利润的影响。结合具体算例比较分析船公司合作与非合作情形下的利润,得出船公司之间的合作可以增加公司总利润。进一步分析空箱保有量对总利润的影响,可得出总利润最大时的最优空箱保有量。分析得出碳排放限额与总利润二者成正相关关系。 Abstract:In order to enhance the competitiveness of shipping companies, reuse of empty containers with ship- ping company cooperation becomes an important method to improve shipping companies' economic and environ- mental benefits. Supposing containers could be rented, considering shipping company cooperation and carbon e- missions comprehensively, this paper developed loaded and empty containers transportation optimization models based on empty container reuse and then compared different effects on profit under shipping companies~ cooper- ation or non-cooperation condition. Based on the comparison with a numerical example, the study found out that the shipping company cooperation could increase the total profit. Further analysis of the effect of empty container inventory on total profit worked out the optimal amount of empty container inventory when total profit was maxi- mal. The correlation between carbon emissions limit and total profit was positive.
出处 《华东交通大学学报》 2016年第1期37-44,共8页 Journal of East China Jiaotong University
基金 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(14ZS122)
关键词 船公司合作 碳排放 空箱再利用 集装箱调运 shipping company cooperation carbon emissions empty container reuse container transportation
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