采用标称体积为10 cm3圆柱型空腔电离室对Cs-137空气比释动能进行绝对测量。使用Monte Carlo模拟计算和实验两种方法对电离室壁修正因子kw和轴向不均匀修正因子kan进行对比研究。结果显示,使用等效壁厚的实验外推法确定的kw值比MC计算得到的值小0.1%,实验方法确定的kan值比MC计算得到的值小0.63%。两种方法相互印证,给出的修正系数值之间的误差可以接受,由于重复实验不可避免将引入其他误差因素,且MC计算方法简便可重复性高,最终选取MC计算结果为kw、kan确定值。
To discuss how to use nominal 10 cm3 cylindrical cavity ionization chamber to give absolute measurement to the Cs-137 air kerma. The wall correction factor kwall and the axial non-uniformity correction factor kan is determined by both the experimental method and Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. The results showed, the wall correction factor kwall determined by geometry thickness extrapolation method is less than 0.091% compared with that by the MC calculation, the axial non-uniformity correction factor kan determined by the experimental method is less than 0.63% compared with that by the MC calculation. The error between the two values is acceptable. The repeated experiment will inevitably introduce other error factors, and MC calculation method is simple and high repeatability. Eventually we selected MC calculation results for kwall, kan value.
Acta Metrologica Sinica