目的 探讨康复病区专职康复护士在康复评价会中的作用。方法 采用方便抽样,选取2013年8月~2015年8月我院骨与关节康复病区住院的股骨头坏死康复期住院患者120例,分为观察组与对照组,各60例。在康复病区实施专职康复护士参与康复评价会前后从患者康复治疗依从性、患者满意度、平均住院日进行统计学分析。结果 康复病区实施专职康复护士参与康复评价会后,患者康复治疗依从性较实施前显著提高,平均住院日明显降低(P〈0.01),住院满意度较实施前明显提高(P〈0.05)。结论 康复病区专职康复护士参与康复评价会,提高了病区患者康复治疗依从性,合理协调康复治疗时间,使患者参与康复评价全过程,增加了康复成组间的沟通,降低了患者住院时间,提高了患者满意度,值得在康复病区推广。
Objective To explore the role of full-time nurses in rehabilitation ward in rehabilitation evaluation meeting. Methods By convenience sampling, 120 patients suffering from femoral head necrosis during recovery in bone and joint rehabilitation ward in our hospital from August 2013 to August 2015 were selected,and they were evenly divided into observation group" and control group.The patient's treatment compliance,patient's satisfaction,and average hospital stay before and after implementing full-time nurses participating in rehabilitation evaluation meeting in rehabilitation ward were statistically analyzed. Results After carrying out full-time nurses participating in rehabilitation evaluation meeting in rehabilitation ward,patient's treatment compliance was greatly improved and average hospital stay was obviously shortened (P〈0.01),and hospital satisfaction was much improved (P〈0.05). Conclusion Full-time nurse participating in rehabilitation evaluation meeting in rehabilitation ward improves patient's treatment compliance during recovery, reasonably coordinates treatment time of rehabilitation,makes patients to take part in the whole process of rehabilitation evaluation,strengthens communication in rehabilitation staff, reduce hospital stay, and increases patient's satisfaction, which is worthy to be promoted in rehabilitation ward.
China Modern Medicine
Rehabilitation ward
Full-time rehabilitation nurse
RehabilitationI evaluation meeting