
基于纳什均衡的D2D通信功率控制博弈算法 被引量:4

Nash game power control algorithm for D2D communication underlaying cellular networks
摘要 为了减轻D2D通信在资源复用模式下的互干扰问题,提升蜂窝网络均衡性能收益,提出一种基于纳什均衡的功率控制博弈算法。算法中将互干扰用户间的功率控制过程描述为静态博弈模型,用户之间根据最小化代价函数的博弈决策,通过多步迭代调节发射功率,使系统收敛至纳什均衡的优化状态。在用户代价函数设计中,综合考虑了能耗及传输速率影响,同时给出了博弈算法纳什均衡存在性以及收敛性的证明。仿真实验表明,在最优响应策略及能耗因子的有效约束下,互干扰用户能更理智地选择发射功率,使系统拥有较好均衡性收益的同时能耗进一步降低。 In order to alleviate the mutual interference of D2 D communication underlaying cellular with resource sharing mode,this paper proposed a power control game based on Nash equilibrium to improve the performance for mix cellular network. In the algorithm,it abstracted the power control strategy between users to a static game,and the players iteratively selected transmit power through minimizing the cost function based on best response strategy. As a result that,users in the system benefit from the fix point called Nash equilibrium that power control game coverage to. For the user cost function design,considering the impact of energy consumption and transmission rate,it proved the existence and convergence in the iterative algorithm of Nash equilibrium.Simulation results show that,the users can select the transmit power in a rational way under the optimal response strategy and the dynamic energy factor,thus the system has better equilibrium performance gain and energy efficiency.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期1187-1190,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41372375 41304033) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2013G3264004)
关键词 设备到设备通信 资源复用 功率控制 纳什均衡 D2D resource sharing power control Nash equilibrium
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