
南极海洋保护区的国际法依据辨析 被引量:33

Study on the International Legal Bases of Antarctic Marine Protected Area
摘要 南极海洋保护区是南极国际治理中的最新议题。2009年英国提议的南奥克尼群岛海洋保护区获准设立。近年来,围绕美国与新西兰提议的罗斯海保护区以及法国、澳大利亚和欧盟等提议的东南极保护区建议,南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)成员方就新的南极海洋保护区的设立与管理展开了新一轮的利益角逐与政治博弈。争议焦点集中于南极海洋保护区的合法性、必要性与可行性等问题,集中反映了国际社会在海洋生物资源养护与合理利用、人类当代利益与后代利益、粮食安全与可持续发展等合法利益之间的平衡与取舍。作为联合国海洋法公约、生物多样性公约的成员国以及南极国际治理的重要参与者,我国应当充分利用CCAMLR协商一致的决策机制,积极参与南极海洋保护区这一新的南极治理规则的制定,努力引导其朝着有利于维护南极条约体系稳定以及我国南极重大利益的方向发展。目前,我国应将谈判重心从南极MPA设立的合法性转向其设立与管理的科学性与必要性,以C C AM LR确立的"生态系统方法"、"风险预防方法"以及"最佳科学依据"为依托,在利益平衡基础上完善现有提案;同时,在加大南大洋科考力度的前提下,适时选取具备保护价值的海域,提出我国的南极M PA提案,从而维护我国在南极条约体系中的核心利益与大国地位。 Antarctic Marine Protected Area( MPA) assumes pre-eminent status in Antarctic international governance discussion. After the establishment of the first Southern Ocean MPA in 2009,plans for large MPAs in the Ross Sea and East Antarctic came up for discussion in CCAMLR. Recent years have witnessed a new round of interest rivalry and political wrestling of the major players of the Antarctic Treaty System on the establishment and management of Antarctic MPAs. Their debate turns on the legitimacy,necessity and applicability of the protected area hereof. Such debate reflects the trade-offs of lawful interests for the international community in striking balance between conservation and rational use of marine living resources,between contemporary interests of mankind and that of their offspring,and between food security and sustainable development. Whereas as a member state of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea( UNCLOS) and Convention on Biological Diversity( CBD) and as a weighty participant of Antarctic international governance,China shall make full use of the decision-making apparatus adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources( CCAMLR) and honor its due role in setting up rules for Antarctic international governance. Meanwhile,China shall strive to lead such rules working in favor of both the stability of Antarctic Treaty System and China's major interests in Antarctic region. Currently,China should centralize its MPAs negotiation on the scientific bases and necessity instead of its legitimacy. And try to propose revised plan based on ecosystem approach,precautionary approach and best science available. For the purpose of safeguarding National's core interests and status in Antarctica,China may propose suitable MPA plan based on advanced research on South Ocean.
作者 陈力
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期152-164,共13页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 作者主持的国家海洋局极地考察办公室2014年中国极地软科学研究项目"南极保护区研究" 国家哲学社会科学基金项目"我国南极权益维护的法律保障研究"(项目批准号:11BFX141) 中国极地中心极地权益项目"英国的南极政策与法律"(项目批准号:QY201501-04)的阶段性成果
关键词 海洋保护区 海洋法公约 南极条约体系 《养护公约》或《南极海洋生物资源养护公约》 CCAMLR《总体框架》 marine protected area UNCLOS Antarctic Treaty System CAMLR Convention general frame for the establishment of CCAMLR MPAs
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  • 1Gabriela Weber de Morais, Achim Schluter, Marco Verweij, "Can Institutional Change Theories Contribute to the Understanding of Marine Protected Areas?" Global Environmental Change31 (2015):155.
  • 2See Gabriela Weber de Morais, Achim Schluter, Marco Verweij, "Can Institutional Change Theories Contribute to the Understanding of Marine Protected Areas?" Global Environmental Change 31 (2015) : 155.
  • 3Susanna M. Grant, "The Applicability of International Conservation Instruments to the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Antarctica," Ocean & Coastal Management 48 ( 2005 ) : 783.
  • 4IUCN, Resolution 17.38 of the 17th general assembly of the IUCN, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1 -10 February 1908(Gland, Switzerland, Cambridge, UK, 1988).
  • 51992年《生物多样性公约》第2条
  • 6《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》第22、23条.
  • 7陈力.论南极海域的法律地位[J].复旦学报(社会科学版),2014,56(5):150-160. 被引量:20
  • 8《海洋法公约》第21-1(d)以及第61-2、56-1、145、194-5条.
  • 9《海洋法公约》第117条.
  • 10《海洋法公约》第118条.













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