
基于关键词共现的研究前沿识别方法研究 被引量:104

Study on the Method of Identifying Research Fronts Based on Keywords Co-occurrence
摘要 [目的 /意义]研究分析已有研究前沿识别方法的利弊,建立一套相对比较合理的研究前沿识别方法模型,高效快速地辅助科研管理者和政策制定者识别研究前沿。[方法 /过程]在总结研究前沿的定义、归纳研究前沿特性的基础上界定研究前沿的内涵,进而提出识别研究前沿的两个指标:研究主题年龄和研究主题关注作者数量,构建基于关键词共现的研究前沿识别方法,并在LED领域进行应用分析。[结果 /结论]研究结果表明该方法不仅可以识别研究前沿,而且可以有效地跟踪研究前沿的产生、成长、消退、消失过程。 [ Purpose/significance ] The research on the method of identifying research fronts has been the focus of scholars, this paper aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of existing research fronts identifying methods, establish a relatively reasonable research fronts identifying method model, and quickly and efficiently aid R&D managers and policy makers to identify research frontiers. [Method/process] Based on summarizing the related concepts about research fronts and the characteristic of research fronts, it defines the connotation of research front and proposes two indexes of research fronts ages and authors number with the concern for identifying research fronts. Then it builds a feasible method about identifying research fronts based on keywords coccurrence, and applies in LED. [Result/conclusion]The result indicates that the method not only can effectively identify research fronts but also track the generation, growth, decline, and disappearance of research fronts.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期85-92,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学基金项目2012年度青年项目"面向中小企业创新的技术竞争情报方法体系研究"(项目编号:12CTQ030)研究成果之一
关键词 关键词共现 研究前沿 研究领域分析 keywords co-occurrence research front research area analysis
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