
柠檬汁对甘蔗汁保鲜工艺的研究 被引量:7

Study on Technology of Sugarcane Juice Preservation with Lemon Juice
摘要 为了研究甘蔗汁的保鲜工艺。利用单因素法考查了加热温度、加热时间和柠檬汁与甘蔗汁体积比对甘蔗汁保鲜的影响,在此基础上利用L9(34)正交试验考查了甘蔗的3、6、9 d的保鲜效果。结果表明适当的增加加热温度、延长加热时间和增加柠檬与鲜甘蔗汁的体积比能够有效延长甘蔗汁的保鲜时间。甘蔗汁贮藏6 d的最优组合为A3B3C2,即处理温度为140℃,处理时间为45 min,柠檬汁与甘蔗汁体积比为4∶40;因素的主次关系为:处理温度(A)、处理时间(B)、柠檬汁与甘蔗汁体积比(C)。鲜甘蔗汁在加入柠檬汁与甘蔗汁体积比为4∶40,120℃温度下加热25 min时,甘蔗汁可有效保鲜9 d。 In order to preserve sugarcane juice, it was heated under different treatment(A),heat time(B)and the ratio of lemon juice(C). The vitamin C, soluble solid, total sugars content, p H were determined. The optimal process conditions was selected, namely when it was heated at 120 ℃ for 25 min, and the volume of lemon juice and sugarcane juice was 4 ∶ 40. The change of total sugars, vitamin C, p H value, soluble solids content were slowed and the browning of fruit juice was inhibited. On this condition, the sugarcane juice can be preserved for 9 days. This study may provide reference for research on preservation of sugarcane juice.
出处 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期201-205,共5页 Food Research and Development
基金 2013年度内江师范大学生科研项目(13NSD-26) 2013年内江师范学院成果转化重大培育项目(13CZ01)
关键词 甘蔗汁 保鲜 柠檬汁 维生素C sugarcane juice preservation lemon juice vitamin C
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