提出一种基于Da Vinci技术的嵌入式Web视频监控系统设计方案,该方案利用TI高速双核信号处理器TMS320DM6467和嵌入式Linux操作系统为平台,完成视频信号的H.264编码、传输和存储,并在此基础上搭建嵌入式Web服务器,用户在浏览器中登录Web服务器后可以进行实时监控;还提出一种基于率失真优化方法的改进型码率控制算法,使用该算法可明显提高视频流的编码速率及改善编码质量.实验结果表明:使用该算法所得平均码率误差比JVT-G012算法低1.2%,而信噪比PSNR提高了1.16 d B.本系统具有很强的实时性、交互性、视频质量高等优点,可广泛应用于远程视频监控.
Based on the newly developed DaVinci technology, a designing scheme of embedded Web video monitoring system is proposed. The scheme combines high-speed and dual-core signal processor (TMS320DM6467) with embedded Linux operating system as the platform to complete the H.264 encoding, transmission and storage of video signal. Building the embedded Web server, user can login into the server and monitor at real-time. According to the method of rate-distortion optimization, an improved rate control algorithm is proposed. The algorithm can significantly improve the coding rate of video stream and the coding quality. It is proved that the average bit rate error of the proposed algorithm is 1.2%lower than that of the JVT-G012 algorithm. Besides, the signal to noise ratio is improved by 1.16 dB. This system has advantages of strong real-time, interactive and high video quality so that it can be used for remote video surveillance.
Journal of Tiangong University