

The study Of member selection mechanism About Industry Strategic Alliance based On the E-HR system
摘要 产业技术创新战略联盟是由企业、大学、科研机构或其他组织机构组成,是以企业的发展需求和各方的共同利益为基础,以提升产业技术创新能力为目标的技术创新合作组织。自2007年6月启动全国产业技术创新战略联盟试点工作以来,国内产业技术创新战略联盟发展迅速。但是在联盟的稳定性以及联盟成员的合作中仍然存在很大的问题,本文通过客观分析联盟成员合作中存在的主要问题,剖析联盟成员合作关系的影响因素,并以E-HR系统为全新的切入点,提出相应的解决措施,旨在提高联盟合作的稳定性以及联盟的创新效率,促进联盟稳定健康发展。 Industry technology innovation strategic alliance is composed of companies, universities, research institutions or other organizations,it's a technical innovation cooperation organization which is based on business development needs and common interests of all parties, and it's target is to enhance the industrial technology innovation ability. Since June 2007,the National industrial technology innovation and strategic alliances started pilot work, Industrial technology innovation and strategic alliances developed rapidly. But still there is a big problem in cooperation stability and members of the Union League, this article objectively analyzes the main problems existing in Alliance cooperation, Analysis of the factors affecting cooperation between alliance members, E-HR system as a new entry point, finally come up with appropriate measures,Thereby increasing the efficiency of innovation alliance and coalition stability and promote stable and healthy development of the Union.
作者 徐晗 陈星星
机构地区 大连财经学院
出处 《特区经济》 2016年第3期106-107,共2页 Special Zone Economy
基金 2015年辽宁省大学生创新创业训练计划项目:新常态下E-HR系统在产业技术创新联盟中的应用与实践(项目编号:201513218000007)阶段性成果之一
关键词 E-HR系统 产学研 产业技术创新战略联盟 成员选择 E-HR systems Industry-university-research Industrial technology innovation Strategic Alliance member selection
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