

Multifractal Spectrum Analysis Method and Its Application in Correlation Network Based on Clustering Coefficient
摘要 以复杂网络中的簇系数为测度,提出了针对产业相关网络的多重分形分析方法流程.基于该方法,通过对几个实际产业相关网络的多重分形谱进行分析,发现在实际相关网络中,普遍存在多重分形特性,并进一步对产业系统中产生多重分形特性的自组织机理进行说明. In this paper, Chang-Yong Lee's algorithm based on clustering coefficient is used as a measure to analyze real complex industrial networks. Through the analysis on the multi- fractal spectrum of several industrial competition complex networks, real complex competition networks are verified with widespread multifractal characteristics Multifractal characteristics of industrial competition complexity system reveal self-organization and multi-dimensional characteristics of the structure. Finally the industrial meaning of the multifractality in industrial competition complex networks is illustrated.
作者 姚灿中
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2016年第7期18-24,共7页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金(71201060 71173076) 教育部高校博士点基金(20120172120051) 广州市人文社会科学重点研究基地 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(2014XZD06 2015ZZ059 2015ZDXM04) 广东省教育厅特色创新项目(人文社科类)(2014WTSCX001) 广东现代服务业公共支撑平台的开发与应用研究省部产学研重大专项课题(2009B090200062)
关键词 多重分形 产业相关 复杂网络 自相似 multifractality industrial competition complex networks self-similar properties
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