Even the article 33 of Sports Law of China defines it for a long time,the sports arbitration institute that adjudicates competitive sports disputes has never been established because of lack of separate sports arbitration law. This paper analyzed its current situation and countermeasures by the methods of literature review and normative analysis. Conclusions: 1) No matter from the domestic level or international level,current sports industry is in deep demand for legal system of sports arbitration. 2) The current legislations represented by the Arbitration Law cannot provide a reasonable basis for sports arbitration of China. 3) When enacting the separate sports arbitration law of China,the advanced experience of organization and operation of CAS should be learned,especiallythe rules of Swiss Private International Law Act and Code of Sports-related Arbitration should be integrated,to supplement the current law by some core aspects including the arbitrability of dispute issues,basis of establishing arbitration jurisdiction,selection of arbitrator,application of substantive law as well as judicial review of awards. This study provided some suggestions for some key issues in enacting a separate sports arbitration law for China.
Journal of Beijing Sport University