
论我国单独的体育仲裁法的制定 被引量:19

Enactment of China Sports Arbitration Law
摘要 虽然我国《体育法》第33条早有规定,但单独的体育仲裁法的缺失使得专门审理竞技体育纠纷的体育仲裁机构一直没有建立。针对该问题的现状以及应对措施,主要利用文献资料法、规范分析法等研究方法进行分析,认为:1)无论从国内层面还是国际层面,当前体育行业对体育仲裁法制具有深切的需求;2)以《仲裁法》为代表的现行立法不能为我国体育仲裁提供充分的依据;3)在制定我国单独的体育仲裁法时,宜借鉴国际体育仲裁院组织、运行中的先进经验,特别应结合《瑞士联邦国际私法》和《体育仲裁规则》的规定,从争议事项的可仲裁性、仲裁管辖确立的依据、仲裁员的选任、实体法律的适用以及裁决的司法审查等关键问题对现行法的规定加以补充。为解决我国单独制定的体育仲裁法中的关键问题提供建议。 Even the article 33 of Sports Law of China defines it for a long time,the sports arbitration institute that adjudicates competitive sports disputes has never been established because of lack of separate sports arbitration law. This paper analyzed its current situation and countermeasures by the methods of literature review and normative analysis. Conclusions: 1) No matter from the domestic level or international level,current sports industry is in deep demand for legal system of sports arbitration. 2) The current legislations represented by the Arbitration Law cannot provide a reasonable basis for sports arbitration of China. 3) When enacting the separate sports arbitration law of China,the advanced experience of organization and operation of CAS should be learned,especiallythe rules of Swiss Private International Law Act and Code of Sports-related Arbitration should be integrated,to supplement the current law by some core aspects including the arbitrability of dispute issues,basis of establishing arbitration jurisdiction,selection of arbitrator,application of substantive law as well as judicial review of awards. This study provided some suggestions for some key issues in enacting a separate sports arbitration law for China.
作者 董金鑫
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期28-33,共6页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目(15YJC820009) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(15CX04106B)
关键词 体育法 体育仲裁法 体育仲裁机制 可仲裁性 国际体育仲裁院 直接适用法 sports law sports arbitration law mechanism of sports arbitration arbitrability CAS law of direct application
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